Going into business is a massive step. You will be taking significant risks, both financially and personally, and the idea that 'if you build a better mouse-trap the world will beat a path to your door' is simply untrue. If the market neither knows nor cares about your mouse-trap all is lost. Famously, Sony had a better video format in Betamax than VHS but for market reasons it was VHS that everyone used.
This knowledge base, like all or knowledge bases, is meant to make matters a little easier by providing insights and techniques that will enable you to consider your business proposal more closely and measure and manage it effectively.
The following topics are covered
- Book keeping - you will need to keep track of your business finances if only for the government!
- Management Accounts - turn data you have to keep anyway into a productive use
- Internet Business models - one of the easiest markets to enter and one of the most difficult to make money in
- Planning - it's a cliché but failing to plan really is planning to fail
- Marketing - more than just advertising. What makes your business stand out?
- Handling Effective Meetings - don't waste time and effort
- Valuing Private Firms - buying an existing business can seem a good idea, existing customers and products. But it's very, very easy to pay too much.
As with all our knowledge bases, we provide a feedback system because we recognise that we're not perfect, but we are willing to learn.
If you don't understand something
If there's a hole in our knowledge
If we've simply got it wrong
then you can tell us
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