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Make Full Use of Your IT Investment

First, and foremost, we are about success. Success in making IT work, both hardware and software. Success in making IT work productively, we recognise that IT is to be treated like any investment - it has to pay its way. Success in using IT to enhance a business - even before it's a business with our angel-investing offering.
This comes from having spent over 20 years supporting IBM mainframe customers and their needs.

What is apparent is the gap that exists in support between the old 'Big Blue' world and the Wintel (Microsoft and Intel) world. At we try to plug that gap. That is we aim to provide a complete hardware, software and consultancy service based on practical and not theoretical solutions.

This site contains a number of different micros-sites that demonstrate the function and 'look' we can deliver via the Internet - see the Angel Investing, Dating and News sections.

It is no exaggeration to say that at we are passionate about knowledge and the quality of that knowledge.
Providing access is one thing, but to be a learning organisation means to recognise that knowledge is always changing. Recognition that the quality of the knowledge you possess is as important as the amount.

This learning process is about integrating new knowledge with existing knowledge, not simply replacing the existing knowledge. We believe passionately in the merits of sharing knowledge within an enterprise. This means facing up squarely to the problem of individuals believing that 'knowledge is power', and they have no intention of being powerless. Consequently, our methodology aims to tackle this issue as much as the more straightforward ones of technology. Our entire methodology is about marrying technology and people together.

Our unique feedback system isn't simply about providing a technology such that one person may communicate with another. The feedback system is about bring quality processes to bear upon your existing knowledge.
For us at quality knowledge isn't simply a matter of fact - right or wrong. It's also about understanding. For the knowledge you possess is of no use if it can't be applied. In order to apply knowledge understanding is key. The question 'What does this mean?' is as important as 'This is wrong.' from a quality standpoint. Our aim is to both deepen and widen your knowledge base. We aim to make your knowledge Good2use.

We can provide two complimentary services.
The first, Knowledgebase, is to help you establish a bootable knowledge base and the supporting maintenance process. That is, a knowledge base that, whilst not the final word on the chosen topic, will enable productive work to be done. This may simply be a matter of bringing together existing knowledge. In order to do this we help you

  • identify the topic to be addressed
  • establish the criteria that will define bootable state having been reached
  • identify the expertise required to support the knowledge base
  • identify service level agreements relevant to the feedback mechanisms
  • integrate existing knowledge required to deliver the bootable knowledge base
  • test the deliverable to ensure bootable status criteria has been reached

The second, Knowledgebase Plus, is o help manage the feedback process that enables the knowledge base to learn. The support structure having been set up by the Knowledgebase service.
In order to do this we will help you

  • ensure service level agreements established under the Knowledgebase service are met
  • identify those areas where new knowledge needs to be integrated
  • mange the integration of that new knowledge
  • regression test any changes
  • establish new criteria based upon the learning experience
  • test the knowledge base against the new criteria

These services can be used for more than the standard production knowledge bases. We can help you integrate your knowledge base(s) into your training process. In this way people literally learn on the job without the normal inefficiencies that would incur. Finding people who are already competent can be difficult and expensive. Training off the job can be a significant investment whose return may take a long time to manifest itself.

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