Make Full Use of Us
We think communicating is just great! And nowadays it can be done in so many ways and we offer a few. You can always contact us via the Contact Us link, but we do offer other ways.
There's the blog that tries to address economic issues that inevitably affect all businesses. If you wish to contribute to that then feel free. Then there's the forum.
This is a great way to contact each other and us. To share business ideas, to pick each other's brains or to tell each other what you do.
To contact any member of the forum is very simple. Login, click on members and against each id is a mail symbol . Simply click on the mail symbol to email another user.
This will require that you have an email id accessible either by Outlook or Outlook Express (shipped with Windows). If you currently do not use either of those to manage your email select from the following drop-down list how to configure either Outlook or Outlook Express for one of the several free email providers available.
If you wish to contact another member but don't wish to use email, click on the messages tab.
Clicking on an entry in the drop-down will cause a new window to be opened. An enthusiastic popup blocker will block this.
Please configure your popup blocker to allow to open popups as they are used frequently on this site (we can assure you any popups that do occur are not annoying advertisements).