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In addition to a comprehensive IT support service that includes risk assessment, disaster recovery consultancy and Sage data analysis consultancy, we offer a number of complementary services that are intended to improve productivity by using IT.

Our Web consultancy offers everything from design to search engine optimisation. Examples of our work can seen with three of our online services

In addition, we provide consultancy on how to use knowledge in your business using the Web as a repository for that knowledge. This provides access anywhere you may need it. We know this works as we use our bespoke IT knowledgebase wherever we work.

By integrating knowledge bases with training individuals can have access to experience whilst actually learning on the job. Together with the Good2use feedback methodology, they can also enjoy a mentoring facility. If something isn't clear, simply ask.
We can help you provide your customers with better support. Our knowledge base methodology can not only allow your customers access to the best knowledge available, but also hold their hand with our unique feedback process. No more problems of the RTFM - Read The Flipping Manual - type.

We can provide two complimentary services.
The first, Knowledgebase, is to help you establish a bootable knowledge base and the supporting maintenance process. That is, a knowledge base that, whilst not the final word on the chosen topic, will enable productive work to be done. This may simply be a matter of bringing together existing knowledge. In order to do this we help you

  • identify the topic to be addressed
  • establish the criteria that will define bootable state having been reached
  • identify the expertise required to support the knowledge base
  • identify service level agreements relevant to the feedback mechanisms
  • integrate existing knowledge required to deliver the bootable knowledge base
  • test the deliverable to ensure bootable status criteria has been reached

The second, Knowledgebase Plus, is o help manage the feedback process that enables the knowledge base to learn. The support structure having been set up by the Knowledgebase service.
In order to do this we will help you

  • ensure service level agreements established under the Knowledgebase service are met
  • identify those areas where new knowledge needs to be integrated
  • mange the integration of that new knowledge
  • regression test any changes
  • establish new criteria based upon the learning experience
  • test the knowledge base against the new criteria

These services can be used for more than the standard production knowledge bases. We can help you integrate your knowledge base(s) into your training process. In this way people literally learn on the job without the normal inefficiencies that would incur. Finding people who are already competent can be difficult and expensive. Training off the job can be a significant investment whose return may take a long time to manifest itself.

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