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Before checking for solutions to Shared Folder problems, check out the requirements for Net Folders in case a violation is being caused
Personal Folders are folders that you create to store mail messages on your hard disk or on another server. You add a main Personal Folders as a service to the User Profile and give it a file name. Personal Folders have a .pst extension.
For Microsoft Mail Post Offices, a Personal Folders is set up automatically because the Inbox and Outlook folders reside there.
The Personal Folders file contains folders, messages, forms, and files. You work with a Personal Folders file (.pst) as you would with any other file, and you can save, copy, and move a .pst file to another location on your hard disk, a floppy disk, or a server. You can also designate a Personal Folders file as the delivery location for your incoming messages.
NOTE: Using Outlook with personal folders as your delivery point does not allow for advanced workgroup information sharing. This workgroup functionality is available only when the default delivery is set to the Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox.
The location for the delivery of messages can be defined for both CW and Internet Mail Only (IMO) installations.
If you have a personal folder in the Folder List that you no longer want to display, right-click it and click Close "
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