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PC Knowledge Base - Restoring Microsoft Search

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Microsoft Search is a Windows 2000 service installed with your Exchange 2000 Server installation. Microsoft Search is essential to full-text indexing. You cannot create full-text indexes for your Exchange databases if the Microsoft Search component is damaged or if its registry keys are incorrect. If problems occur with Microsoft Search, you must restore it.

You can experience problems with Microsoft Search when rebuilding a server running Exchange 2000. For example, if the Microsoft Search registry keys on the server you are rebuilding are not the same as the keys that existed on the server at the time the full-text index was built, Microsoft Search will not function properly. The registry keys that specify the locations for the full-text indexes will be out of synch (specifically, the registry keys will point to locations that do not exist on the server you have rebuilt).

Important The following procedure provides steps for restoring Microsoft Search. If you intend to perform this procedure as part of the "rebuild the server" method, but you have not run Exchange 2000 Server Setup in Disaster Recovery mode, you must perform Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the following procedure before you run Exchange 2000 Setup in Disaster Recovery mode.

For more information about how to rebuild an Exchange 2000 member server, see "Rebuilding an Exchange 2000 Member Server". You should also continue to follow the remaining steps in this procedure.
Warning This section contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about restoring the registry, see the "Restore the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe.

To restore Microsoft Search
  1. If you are in a recovery situation where Exchange 2000 is already installed on your server (for example, if you are repairing an existing Exchange 2000 installation, or if you have restored your server from either a Windows backup set or full computer backup set), ensure that full-text indexing is functioning properly before performing this procedure. If full-text indexing is not functioning properly, you may be able to repair your full-text indexes simply by removing and then re-creating the full-text indexes. If you cannot remove and then re-create your full-text indexes, perform the following procedure. For more information about how to remove full-text indexes, see "Re-Indexing the Data on Your Exchange Databases".
    Note If you are in the process of rebuilding an Exchange 2000 member server, and you have not yet run Exchange 2000 Setup in Disaster Recovery mode, proceed directly to Step 2.
  2. Click Start, click Run, type Regedit, and then click OK.
  3. In Registry Editor, locate the following key:
    Important As a cautionary measure, you should back up the registry keys in case any errors occur while deleting the registry keys. To back up the Search registry key branch:
    1. In the console tree, click Search.
    2. From the File menu, click Export Registry File.
    3. In Export Registry File, under Export range, click Selected branch, and ensure that
      appears in the corresponding text box.
    4. Use the Save in list to go to the location where you want to save this copy of your Search registry key branch.
    5. In the File Name box, type a file name for the copy of the Search registry key branch (for example, MsSearch).
    6. Click Save.
  4. In Registry Editor, in the console tree, expand Search, expand 1.0, and then delete the following registry keys (ServerName is the name of your server running Exchange):
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Search\1.0\Gathering Manager\Applications\ExchangeServer_ServerName
    To delete a key, right-click the key, click Delete, and then click Yes (as shown below).
  5. Close Registry Editor.
  6. Run Exchange 2000 Setup in Disaster Recovery mode. On the Component Selection page of Microsoft Exchange 2000 Installation Wizard, under Action, Disaster Recovery is automatically selected for all installed components. To ensure that the Microsoft Search files are properly reinstalled, under Component Name, set Microsoft Exchange 2000 to None, and then re-set it back to Disaster Recovery.
    Note Running Setup in Disaster Recovery mode installs the required Microsoft Search files to your computer. For more information about Exchange 2000 Setup modes, see "Exchange 2000 Server Setup Functionality".

    Running Exchange 2000 Setup in Disaster Recovery mode
  7. Click Next to proceed with the installation process.

    Note During Setup, Microsoft Search files are updated. During this time, the Confirm File Replace dialog box may appear, asking if you want to overwrite certain files on your computer that are newer than the files being copied from the Exchange 2000 Setup CD (below). Because you are attempting to repair any Microsoft Search files, you should overwrite these files. However, you can retrieve the newer versions of these overwritten files in the process when you install Exchange 2000 service packs or hotfixes.

    The Confirm File Replace dialog box
  8. Apply any Exchange 2000 service packs or hotfixes that were previously running on the server. To prevent Setup from mounting the stallation, you must install service packs and hot fixes in Disaster Recovery mode.
  9. If you need to restore any Exchange database backups as part of this repair, restore your Exchange databases at this time. Note For information about how to restore Exchange databases, see "Restoring Exchange 2000 Databases" later in this chapter.
  10. Restart the computer, and then ensure that the Exchange databases are mounted.
  11. Re-create full-text indexes. For information about how to re-create full-text indexes, see the procedure "To re-create full text indexes" in "Re-Indexing the Data on Your Exchange Databases".

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