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To prevent the loss of critical data within your Exchange 2000 organisation, use the Windows 2000 Backup utility (Backup) to back up Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 data. The executable file for Backup (NTBackup.exe) is the same as it was in previous versions of Windows.
Backup allows you to back up directories, selected files, and Windows 2000 System State data (including Windows 2000 registry information). You can also use Backup to back up Exchange databases and information on other computers remotely over the network.
Important You must have the required permissions or user rights to back up or restore files and folders. If you are an administrator or a backup operator in a local group, you can back up any file and folder on the local computer to which the local group applies. Likewise, if you are an administrator or backup operator on a domain controller, you can back up any file and folder on any computer in the domain.
However, if you are not an administrator or a backup operator, in order to back up files, you must be the owner of the files and folders you want to back up. Alternatively, you must have one or more of the following permissions for the files and folders you want to back up:
This section includes the following procedural information regarding the Windows 2000 Backup utility:
The information in this article applies to:
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