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PC Knowledge Base - FTP Command Reference

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Many website hosting companies provide am interactive interface to the hosted files. However for bulk transfer, or where such a facility is not available, FTP is very useful. The MultiNet FTP utility uses the Internet-standard FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files between the local host and a remote host. This document lists the commands you can use during an FTP session.

FTP Command Summary
Command Description
ACCOUNTSends an account name to the remote FTP server.
AGETAppends a remote file to a file on the local host.
APPEND GETAppends remote_file from the remote host to local_file on the local host.
APPEND PUTAppends local_file on the local host to remote_file on the remote host.
APPEND RECEIVE Appends remote_file from the remote host to local_file on the local host.
APPEND SENDAppends local_file on the local host to remote_file on the remote host.
APUTAppends local_file on the local host to remote_file on the remote host.
ASCIISets the transfer type to ASCII for transferring text files.
ATTACHDetaches the terminal from the calling process and reattaches it to another process.
BELLTurns on, off, or toggles the sounding of a bell when a file transfer completes.
BINARYSets the transfer type for transferring binary files.
BLOCKReads files of TYPE I, STRUCTURE FILE using block I/O.
BYECloses the current FTP connection, but remains in the FTP command interpreter.
BYTESets the transfer byte size to size.
CDChanges the current working directory on the remote host to dir.
CDUP Changes the current working directory on the remote host by moving up one level in the directory system.
CLOSECloses the current FTP connection, but remains in the FTP command interpreter.
CONFIRMTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) interactive confirmation of each command in a MULTIPLE command.
CONNECT Establishes a connection to the FTP server on host.
CPATHChanges the current working directory on the remote host to dir.
CREATE-DIRECTORY Creates the directory dir on the remote host.
CWDChanges the current working directory on the remote host to dir.
DELETEDeletes a file on the remote host.
DIRECTORYObtains an annotated listing of the files on the remote host.
DISCONNECT Closes the current FTP connection without waiting for a confirming response from the remote host, but remains in the FTP command interpreter.
EXIT Closes the current FTP connection and exits FTP.
EXIT-ON-ERRORTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) whether or not FTP automatically exits when an error occurs.
GETCopies remote_file from the remote host to local_file on the local host.
HASHTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) the display of hash marks (#) for each data buffer transferred.
HELPDisplays FTP help information.
LCDChanges the current working directory on the local host to dir.
LDIRDisplays the contents of your local working directory. LDIR is the same as LOCAL-DIRECTORY.
LISTDisplays automatic login information for host.
LOCAL-CDChanges the current working directory on the local host to dir.
LOCAL-DIRECTORYDisplays the contents of your local working directory.
LOCAL-PWDDisplays the current working directory on the local host.
LOGINIdentifies you to a remote FTP server.
LPWDDisplays the current working directory on the local host.
LSDisplays a names-only listing of files on the remote host.
MDELETEDeletes multiple files on the remote host.
MGETCopies multiple files from the remote host to the local host.
MKDIRCreates the directory dir on the remote host.
MODESets the transfer mode to COMPRESSED or STREAM (the default).
MPUTCopies multiple files from the local host to the remote host.
MULTIPLE DELETEDeletes multiple files on the remote host.
MULTIPLE GETCopies multiple files from the remote host to the local host.
MULTIPLE PUTCopies multiple files from the local host to the remote host. MULTIPLE PUT is a synonym for MULTIPLE SEND.
MULTIPLE RECEIVECopies multiple files from the remote host to the local host.
MULTIPLE SENDCopies multiple files from the local host to the remote host.
OPENEstablishes a connection to a host system.
PASSIVEEnables or disables "passive" mode for file transfers with FTP servers on the opposite side of "firewall" gateways.
PASSWORDSends a password to the remote FTP server explicitly, which normally happens automatically during login.
PORTSpecifies a TCP port number to use for the FTP control connection.
PROMPT-FOR-MISSING-ARGUMENTSTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) whether or not FTP automatically prompts for missing command arguments.
PROMPT-ON-CONNECTTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) whether or not FTP automatically prompts for a user name and password after making a connection.
PUSHStarts and attaches a DCL subprocess.
PUTCopies local_file on the local host to remote_file on the remote host.
PWDDisplays the current working directory on the remote host.
QUITCloses the current FTP connection and exits FTP.
QUOTESends a string to the FTP server verbatim.
RECEIVECopies remote-file from the remote host to local-file on the local host.
RECORD-SIZESets or displays the record size for IMAGE mode transfers.
REMOTE-HELPDisplays information about commands available on the FTP server.
REMOVE-DIRECTORY Deletes a directory on the remote host. REMOVE-DIRECTORY is the same as RMDIR.
RENAMEReames files on the remote host.
RETAINTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) the retention of OpenVMS version numbers in file transfers.
RMDeletes a file on the remote host.
RMDIRDeletes a directory on the remote host.
SEND Copies local_file on the local host to remote_file on the remote host.
SETSets automatic login information for host.
SHOW-DIRECTORYDisplays the current working directory on the remote host. SHOW DIRECTORY is the same as PWD.
SITESpecifies commands that are interpreted by the MultiNet FTP server for use on the server host.
SPAWNExecutes a single DCL command, or if entered without options, starts a subprocess with the same effect as PUSH.
STATISTICSTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) STATISTICS mode.
STATUSDisplays the status of the FTP server.
STREAMTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) the creation of binary output files as Stream_LF files.
STRUCTURESets the transfer structure to structure.
TAKEInterprets FTP commands in a file.
TENEXChanges the byte size for transferring binary files to or from a TOPS-20 system.
TYPESets the transfer type to type.
USERIdentifies you to the remote FTP server.
VERBOSETurns on, off, or toggles (the default) VERBOSE mode.
VERSIONPrints information about the FTP program_version.

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