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Copies local_file on the local host to remote_file on the remote host. The current settings for type, mode, and structure are used during file transfers. SEND is the same as PUT.
FORMATSEND local_file remote_filePARAMETERS
local_file - Specifies the name of the file on the local host to be copied.
remote_file - Specifies the destination file name on the remote host.QUALIFIERS
Sends a file in FDL format. When you create a file with the SEND /FDL qualifier, a file description language (FDL) file is created at the same time as the original file. The output file is converted to raw block format. When you retrieve a file with GET /FDL, the original format is restored using the attributes stored in the FDL file. If you do not use the /FDL qualifier with the GET command, the new raw block format is retained.
In any case, the FDL file is retained and must be deleted independently. The /FDL qualifier provides compatibility with DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (formerly UCX). The FDL file has the same name except the string FDL is appended to the end of the file name.
This example shows how to transfer the file LOGIN.COM to the remote file
/p> SET Sets automatic login information for host.
FORMATSET hostPARAMETERShost - Specifies the host for which you want to set automatic login information.QUALIFIERS/USER:username - Specifies the user name sent when a connection is made to host./PASSWORD:password - Specifies the password sent when a connection is made to host./ACCOUNT:account - Specifies the account is sent when a connection is made to host.DESCRIPTIONWhen a connection to host is made, FTP uses the information set to automatically log in. This command is usually used in the FTP.INIT file to specify a list of hosts and their login information. If FTP.INIT contains passwords in clear text, it is imperative that you protect the file from access by other users. If you specify /USER but not /PASSWORD, an automatic login is attempted and, if necessary, a password prompt displayed.
RestrictionsDo not use this command when connected to a remote host.
USAGE NOTEIf you do not specify any qualifiers, any automatic login information is cleared.
EXAMPLEThis example sets the user name and password for the host DS.INTERNIC.NET.
FTP> /user:anonymous /pass:guestSHOW-DIRECTORYDisplays the current working directory on the remote host. SHOW DIRECTORY is the same as PWD.
- Use this command only when connected to a remote host.
- Most remote hosts require that you log in before using the SHOW-DIRECTORY command.
This example shows how to retrieve the remote default directory.
<"ST_ROOT: [TMP]" is current directory.
FLOWERS.COM>Specifies commands that are interpreted by the MultiNet FTP server for use on the server host.
FORMATSITE commandPARAMETERScommand - Selects a command from the following:SPAWN
- RMS RECSIZE n Indicates a non-default record size for files transferred in IMAGE mode to the FTP server. Record size values can range from 1 to 32767; the default is 512 bytes.
- PAWN Allows users to execute commands on the server host. The command must not require a terminal device, and must exit on completion. You cannot use this command during an anonymous FTP session.
Executes a single DCL command, or if entered without options, starts a subprocess with the same effect as PUSH. To return from DCL, use the LOGOUT command. If the MULTINET_DISABLE_SPAWN logical is set, SPAWN does not work.
FORMATSPAWN [command]PARAMETERScommand - Specifies a command to execute. If you omit command, a DCL command line subprocess is created.QUALIFIERS/INPUT=file-spec - Specifies an input file to the command you enter with SPAWN./LOGICAL_NAMES /NOLOGICAL_NAMES - Specifies that logical names and logical name tables are not copied to the subprocess./SYMBOLS /NOSYMBOLS Specifies that global and local names are not passed to the subprocess./WAIT /NOWAIT - Returns control without waiting for the command to complete. Do not use this qualifier with commands that have prompts or screen displays./OUTPUT=file-spec - Specifies a file that retains the output of the command invoked with SPAWN. This qualifier only works when a single command is entered without creating a DCL subprocess. In addition, this qualifier is positional; you must enter it immediately after SPAWN or other qualifiers.STATISTICSTurns on, off, or toggles (the default) STATISTICS mode. In STATISTICS mode, FTP displays, upon completion of file transfers, timing statistics about the transfer.
FORMATSTATISTICS modePARAMETERSmode - Specifies a value of ON, OFF, or TOGGLE.EXAMPLEThis example shows how to enable STATISTICS mode.
[Transfer statistics printing is ON]
FTP>Displays the status of the FTP server.FORMATSTATUS [data]PARAMETERSdata - Sends this command data to the FTP server; data depends on the implementation of the FTP server. This parameter is optional.RestrictionsUse this command only when connected to a remote host.EXAMPLEFLOWERS.COM>statusSTREAM
< Stru O VMS
FLOWERS.COM Turns on, off, or toggles (the default) the creation of binary output files as Stream_LF files.
[ IMAGE files will be written as Stream_LF format]
FLOWERS.COM>Sets the transfer structure to structure.
FORMATSTRUCTURE structurePARAMETERSstructure - Specifies a value of FILE, RECORD, or VMS.Restrictions
- Use FILE (the default) when connecting to systems that do not support VMS structure negotiation.
- Use RECORD to transfer files when you want to preserve the record boundaries.
- Use VMS to transfer files with arbitrary RMS attributes transparently. Transparent transfer is negotiated automatically between systems that support it. RMS semantics are passed along with the data.
Use this command only when connected to a remote host.
Type:Ascii (Non-Print), Structure: Record, Mode: Stream
FLOWERS.COM>Interprets FTP commands in a file. When the end of the file is encountered, the FTP command interpreter returns to its previous input source. You can nest TAKE commands up to ten levels deep.
FORMATTAKE filePARAMETERSfile - Specifies the name of the file that contains commands to be interpreted.EXAMPLEThis example shows how to take commands from the file FTP.COMMANDS.
FTP>take ftp.commandsTENEXChanges the byte size for transferring binary files to or from a TOPS-20 system.
FORMATTENEXRestrictionsUse this command only when connected to a remote host.
EXAMPLEThis example shows how to set the transfer type to TENEX.
Type: Logical-Byte (Byte Size 8), Structure: File, Mode: Stream
FLOWERS.COM>Sets the transfer type to type. FORMAT
TYPE typePARAMETERS type - Specifies a value of ASCII, BACKUP, BINARY, IMAGE, or LOGICAL-BYTE.Restrictions
- Use TYPE ASCII (the default) for transferring text files.
- Use TYPE BACKUP to set the transfer type to IMAGE and write the local file with 2048-byte fixed length records. Use this command to transfer VAX/VMS BACKUP save sets.
- Use TYPE BINARY to transfer binary files (same as TYPE IMAGE).
- Use TYPE IMAGE to transfer binary files (for example, .EXE).
- Use TYPE LOGICAL-BYTE to transfer binary files to or from a TOPS-20 machine.
Use this command only when connected to a remote host.
EXAMPLEThis example shows how to set the type to transfer an image file.
Type: Image, Structure: File, Mode: Stream
FLOWERS.COM>Identifies you to the remote FTP server. USER is a synonym for LOGIN. See LOGIN for more information.
FORMATUSER user [password]VERBOSETurns on, off, or toggles (the default) VERBOSE mode. VERBOSE mode causes FTP to display all responses from the remote FTP server as they are received.
FORMATVERBOSE modePARAMETERSmode - Specifies a value of ON, OFF, or TOGGLE.EXAMPLE <>This example shows how to enable VERBOSE mode.FTP>verboseVERSION
[Verbose reply printing is ON]
FTP>Prints information about the FTP program version.
FORMAT VERSION EXAMPLEThis example shows how to print the FTP program version number.
FLOWERS.COM MultiNet FTP user process 4.2(nnn)
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