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GOOD2USE Knowledge Network Increase Modem Speed in Windows 98

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In Windows 98, your modem may seem to work fine, but the true fact is, the baud rate for you COM Port doesn't allow you to reach top-speed. To improve your port's speed:

  1. 1.Click Start, Select Settings > Control Panel, open System
  2. 2.Click the Device Manager tab, and click on the "+" sign next to Ports (COM & LPT)
  3. 3.Select the port your modem uses, click Properties, then click the Port Settings tab, and set the Bits per second to 115200 bps, that way you won't have a sort of filter on the Port. 115200 bps is the maximum setting for a "Standard" COM port.
    If you encounter problems, try setting this value lower. With System Monitor you can check if there are any problems.
    If you are not sure which COM port your modem uses,
    1. Click on the "+" sign next to the Modem Icon in Control Panel and select your Modem.
    2. Click on Properties and choose the Modem Tab. Here you will see the COM port used by your modem,

  4. 4.For most Modems you can use Hardware in the Flow control drop-down box

The Maximum speed at wich Windows 98 communicates with the modem is set in Control Panel > Modems, click the Properties button on the General tab. Windows 98 selects a conservative default speed, to prevent data loss on slower computers. So if you are using a fast computer (defined by MS as a 80486 or Pentium), set a faster speed here. If applications report data errors, lower your speed.

In Windows 98 Microsoft opted for some limited support of the setting known as MaxMTU in Windows 95.

  1. 1.Select your Dial-Up Adapter from Network in Control Panel
  2. 2.Click Properties and select the Advanced tab
  3. 3.In the selection box on the left, select IP Packet Size
  4. 4.Now you can select a setting in the Value drop-down box, choices are:
    • Automatic,
    • Large,
    • Medium and
    • Small
  5. 5.The settings Large, Medium and Small will put a IPMTU value in the registry entry for your Dial-Up Adapter of respectively 1500, 1000 or 576
Install the TweakDun utility to get the maximum out of your MTU.

The serial ports on motherboards and add-in cards that use the some I/O controllers will support operation at greater than 115200 bps.

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