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Before you open the case on your computer, make sure your computer is completely unplugged from the wall. Only after you've unplugged should you open it up. Before you start poking around inside, make sure you're properly grounded. Static electricity can short out the delicate circuitry inside your motherboard. Always have one hand touching the power supply while the other hand does all the work. Ideally, you should have your computer set up on a grounding mat. To lower the risk of static electricity, avoid standing on carpet.
Once you've opened up the case, it's time to inspect the components. You want to double-check that youThe IDE ribbon is always grey and has a width of about two inches. Sometimes the grey ribbon will have a blue or red strip. The ribbon that's connected to your current hard drive is considered the primary IDE. On the primary IDE ribbon, look for an identical connector like the one that's already connected to your current drive. This connector is the one you'll use to attach to your new drive.
Follow all the cords coming from your power supply. All you need to find is one four-prong female power adapter. Most computers have one or two extras to support additional drives (CD-ROM, floppy, hard drive). This power adapter is what you'll use to supply power to your new hard drive.
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