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PC Knowledge Base - Risk Assessment

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System risk is defined as the potential of the system to fail to operate according to its specifications, at some point, due to predicted or unforeseen circumstances. Risk may be introduced as a result of the design, implementation, or routine operation of the system, including human interactions or processes.

No system is without risk, as it is impossible to predict every event that will or may occur in the future use of a system. However, an evaluation of the sources of risk, and consideration of features or operational controls that reduce any risks, is an essential part of system design, implementation, and operations.
An assessment of the system risk is based upon the system infrastructure. The purpose of the Risk Assessment is to provide a verifiable assurance that system risks are nown and reduced to the most reasonable level that balances cost, efficiency, and compliance.

Taking active steps to reduce the possible effects of risks is not indicative of pessimism, but is a positive indication of good management. Many possible options exist for addressing risk, including:

The essence of Risk Assessment is to

  1. Determine those business functions that are supported by the IT infrastructure
  2. How important those business functions are to the overall business
  3. Referring to those functions that do make an overall impact
    1. Determine the component parts (data, program, hardware) of the supporting IT infrastructure
    2. Assess their recoverability and any options for duplication
  4. Determine and classify the net unmitigated risks.

There are three important components to any business

Revenue minus costs is the gross profit. The ratio of gross profit to assets is a measure of how efficiently the business is being run.

The role of IT is to manage all three of these components. Just how well it does that is beyond the scope of risk assessment. Risk assessment simply aims to ask the questions

Consequently, questioning needs to start as to how the business To help in this a Process Flow Diagram may be of help.

In order to derive the starting business perspective, there is an Excel spreadsheet with which to record the basic business criteria.
This spreadsheet was constructed with the basic elements of Risk Assessment in mind.

Once these basic elements have been considered, one of two models of risk assessment are applied to the findings. One of the models is to approach the findings in a quantitative manner. The other is a qualitative manner.
These approaches are not exclusive and in the final document a mixture of the two may be used, depending on circumtances.

Risk Assessment Exercise

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