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PC Knowledge Base - Determine Your Website's Chief Purpose

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When you begin a website, you must have your main purpose clearly in mind. This is because it's easy to have conflicting purposes.

Recognise your own needs -- they're legitimate. But to build an effective website, you've got to look at the business' or organisation's needs and make those paramount. From the organisation's perspective, what must this website do in order to be successful?

There are some common website purposes.

What's the design decision here? To be clear and focused about your site's objectives and purposes.

From the above list of website purposes, prioritise the purposes from your perspective, Then document exactly what you want your website to achieve, in one or two sentences.

A great many businesses on the Web find difficulty explaining to someone why they should be on the Internet. So it is important to make the purpose of the site crystal clear.
The following are the four major missions companies seek to accomplish on the Internet:

  1. brand development,
  2. revenue generation,
    Hobby sites don't need to generate revenue. A company may be putting off revenue generation until they learn the ropes of e-business, or until they generate enough site traffic to produce revenue. But the bottom line for all companies that want to stay in business is revenue generation. There are three primary models at present --
    1. prospect generation,
    2. online sales transactions, and
    3. advertising and referral income.
  3. cost savings, and
  4. customer support.

There's no need to be fuzzy about a website's purposes. Ask these questions:

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