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PC Knowledge Base - Windows Operating System How to Customise Registry Checker Tool Settings

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The following describes how to customise the Registry Checker tool by manually editing the Windows\Scanreg.ini file. You can also customise the Registry Checker tool (without manually editing Scanreg.ini) by using the SREdit tool included with the Windows 98 Resource Kit CD-ROM. A text editor from the Resource Kit can also be used. The SREdit tool is located in the Config folder on the CD-ROM. Both the MS-DOS version (Scanreg.exe) and the Windows 98 version (Scanregw.exe) of the Registry Checker tool use settings in the Scanreg.ini file.

By default, the Registry Checker tool makes a backup copy of your registry files (System.dat and User.dat), the System.ini file, and the Win.ini file the first time you start your computer on any given day. Every time you restart your computer, the Registry Checker tool scans your registry, and if it finds a problem, it automatically replaces the damaged registry with the most recent backup copy. By default, registry backups are stored in the Windows\Sysbckup folder as files, where nn is a number between 00 and 99.

The Scanreg.ini file contains the following entries that determine how the Registry Checker tool makes backup copies of your registry:
NOTE: To edit the Scanreg.ini file, use any text editor (such as Notepad).

For additional information about the Registry Checker tool,
  1. Click Start,
  2. Click Help,
  3. Click the Index tab,
  4. Type registry, and then double-click the Registry Checker topic.

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