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A typical configuration would be that most of the time, computers would be connected wirelessly through one of a number of Network Address Translation (NAT) boxes that are connected to Broadband. Although a UPnP firmware upgrade may be needed for these units that will enable NAT traversal. This will enable use of all of the features of programs like Windows Messenger behind them. Voice and video instant messaging are dependant on this. When you wish to use the voice and video instant messaging real time communications (RTC) features, connect a computer directly to DSL and enable the Internet Connection Firewall for these sessions.
Windows Messenger version 4.0, which ships with Windows XP, as well as the updated Windows Messenger 4.7 that is now available, also include the ability to transfer files. However, by default, ICF blocks file transfer and you will need to manually configure the appropriate ports to open.
Here's how it's accomplished:
As shown in the image above, enable a single port only for a single file transfer only. The process to open ports to add other services is the same. Settings needed for some of the other more popular programs appear in the table below:
Program | TCP ports | UDP ports |
Incoming Voice (computer to computer) | 6901 | 6901 |
Voice (computer to phone) | 6801, 6901, 2001-2120 |   |
AOL Instant Messenger | 443, 563 |   |
Crimson Skies | 28805, 28801, 3040, 1121 |   |
Decent 3 | 1900 | 1900, 2092 |
Diablo II | 4000 | 6112 |
Need for Speed | 9442 | 6112 |
Napster | 6699 | 6699 |
NetMeeting | 1731, 1720, 1503, 522, 389 |   |
Rainbow Six | 2346, 2347, 2348 |   |
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