expand source [/F:filespec] [destination] [/y]
expand source [/F:filespec] /D
Use this command (where source specifies the name of the file to be expanded and destination specifies the directory for the new file) to expand a file.
NOTE: You may not include wildcards. If destination is not specified, the command defaults to the current folder.
- /y: Do not prompt before overwriting an existing file.
- /f:filespec: If the source contains more than one file, this parameter is required to identify the specific files to be expanded. You may include wildcards.
- /d: Do not expand; only display a directory of the files that are contained in the source.
The destination may be any directory within
- the system directories of the current Windows installation,
- the root of the drive, the local installation sources, or
- the Cmdcons folder.
The destination cannot be removable media. The destination file cannot be read-only. Use the attrib command to remove the read-only attribute.
Expand prompts you if the destination file already exists unless you use /y.