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PC Knowledge Base - Specifying Clipform Output Data Format

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Most fields in Microsoft Outlook store simple text data, and Clipform extracts this data as simple text. However, some Microsoft Outlook data consists of dates and times, numbers, and boolean (true/false) values. Clipform offers outstanding flexibility in how to format this data. For each date/time, boolean or numeric Outlook field, you can optionally follow the field with a vertical bar and a format specification, as the examples below show.

Dates And Times

Format strings for dates and times should be specified as shown below.

Here are a few examples of dates and times, along with sample output:
[Start|ddd. mm/dd/yy h:mm ampm] Sat. 04/28/01 12:30 pm
[CreationTime|dddd, mmmm d, yyyy] Saturday, April 28, 2001


Format strings for dates and times should be specified as shown below.

Here are a few examples of dates and times, along with sample output:
[Mileage|$0.00] $0.23
[Price|$##,###,000.00] $ 1,214.35

Boolean (True/False)

With Boolean values, you have even more flexibility: you can specify the text to use for true values, and the text to use for false values, separating them with a vertical bar. If you omit this vertical bar, then no text will be included for false values. Here are some examples:

[Newsletter|Newsletter] (Extracts Newsletter if Newsletter is true, nothing if Newsletter is false)
[AllDayEvent|Yes|No] (Extracts Yes if item is an all day event; No if it is not.)


Outlook Appointment and Journal items feature a Duration field. If you follow this field with a vertical bar and h:mm, the duration will be extracted in hours and minutes. If you omit this, duration will be extracted as minutes. For example, an item of 90 minutes duration would be extracted as follows

Special Fields

Certain Outlook values are coded references to items in a list. For example, the Gender property can be male, female or unspecified. Some of these are automatically converted by Clipform to the appropriate string:

Certain other items permit you to specify a string value to correspond with the coded reference. You do this by including the string values to substitute, separated by the vertical bar. For example:

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