In order to create an Access database
- Click File and New
- Select Database and OK
- Type name of database and click Create
Then tables need to be defined
- Double Click create table by using wizard
- Select a table form close to the one required and then select individual fields in order to customise to the task required
- When fields have been selected and renamed (if needed) click Next
- Click Next to have Access define primary key
- Select option for wizard to create a data entry form
If some of the fields required drop down lists so that standardised fields can be selected a separate table containing that information needs to be defined. Create both tables separately.
For example, you may have a customer table that contains a drop down list of services used by customers on particular days (rows in the table). The customer table and the services table will have a relationship.
- Open the main table (e.g. customer) and click on design, click on Insert on the task bar and click on Lookup Field. Click Next
- Select referred to table (e.g. services) and click Next
- Select fields to be displayed during lookup and click Next
- Give the field a label