PC Knowledge Base -Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server - How To Configure ODBC Logging
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Create a database that contains a table with the appropriate fields for the logging data. Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) includes a Structured Query Language (SQL) template file, which can be run in a SQL database to create a table that accepts log entries from IIS. The file is called Logtemp.sql and is available in the Winnt\System32\Inetsrv folder. The following fields are required:
ClientHost: varchar(255)
Username: varchar(255)
LogTime: datetime
Service: varchar(255)
Machine: varchar(255)
ServerIP: varchar(50)
ProcessingTime: int
BytesRecvd: int
BytesSent: int
ServiceStatus: int
Win32Status: int
Operation: varchar(255)
Target: varchar(255)
Parameters: varchar(255)
In Exchange System Manager, click the virtual server that you want to configure.
On the Action menu, click Properties.
On the General tab, click to select the Enable Logging check box.
In the Active log format list, click ODBC Logging.
Click Properties to gain access to the ODBC Logging properties.
Type the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN).
Type the name of the table.
Type the user name and password that you need to use to gain access to the database.