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PC Knowledge Base -Disaster Recovery for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server - Advantages and Disadvantages to Restoring a Server

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Restoring the server has the following advantages and disadvantages in comparison to rebuilding the server or keeping a stand-by recovery server:

Furthermore, if you restore a full computer backup set to a computer that has a different CPU, chip set, processor, or other operating system components than the original server, you may not be able to start Windows 2000 properly.
To avoid this problem, ensure that you have replacement hardware that is identical to the hardware you are currently using, or consider using the stand-by recovery server method.

Tip To resolve these issues if they occur, start Windows 2000 in Safe Mode after you restore the full computer backup set, remove the drivers for the different hardware, restart the computer, and then allow the computer to detect the different hardware. Keep in mind that you may still experience problems integrating or installing the new drivers into your server. These problems are similar to those that many users experience when installing new hardware.

If you use the Backup utility to create a full computer backup set, you must be able to boot into Windows 2000 from that server to restore the backup. If you cannot boot into Windows from the original Windows 2000 installation, you must perform a parallel installation of Windows 2000 and restore from there. An advantage of using disk-imaging software is that you can quickly restore an image of the Windows 2000 operating system from which you can then restore your full computer backup set.

Note If you use disk-imaging software, keep an image of your server immediately after you install Windows 2000 and any of its service packs. With that disk image, you can quickly restore a disk image that allows you to boot your server into the original Windows 2000 installation, and then use Backup to finish restoring the server using your full computer backup sets.

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