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PC Knowledge Base -The Administrator Interface

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You can use the Exchange Administrator to view your entire Exchange organisation (see fig. 11.2). This window presents the big picture of your Exchange hierarchy. You have the option to zoom as close as you want to view any object. Fig. 11.2 The main Administrator window.

The left side of the window shows your Exchange hierarchy, displaying all the objects in your Exchange organisation. The right side of the window displays the contents of the container object that is selected on the left side of the window.
The title bar of the window displays the server name, the site name, and name of the object that is currently selected, in the following format: Server name in Site name - Object name

Navigating the Hierarchy Tree

The Exchange site hierarchy window displays all of the components that make up your Exchange site in a treelike fashion. This includes recipients, servers, connectors and any other Exchange component that you have installed. Navigating this window is much like navigating the directory hierarchy in explorer. Many of the elements or objects in Exchange's hierarchy have multiple levels below them.
A plus sign (+) to the left of an object indicates that the object has branches below it. Click the plus sign to display these branches. After you display the branches, the plus sign turns into a minus sign (-).

Object hierarchy tree.

The top item of the site hierarchy tree is always the name of your organisation. Double-click the name to collapse the entire tree view and start navigating from the top.

If you are setting up an new Exchange organisation and have not yet established connections, you see only a small portion of local Exchange server elements in this default view. As new connectors and other objects are created, go through the administrator window to see how these additional components have affected the overall Exchange hierarchy.
As you navigate the Microsoft Exchange hierarchy, you will notice that every object has an associated graphic icon.

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