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Debug allows you to perform various operations on your computer to do various tasks. However, some can possibly damage computer components or cause them not to work properly. They are used at your own risk. If these cause problems with the computer they are run on will not be held responsible for your actions. We recommend that only experienced computer users being aware of the potential hazards use the following routines.
When running any of these routines you are agreeing to the above statement.
Debug is an MS-DOS command that can be used to enter machine language into the computer either to create programs or test computer peripherals by receiving back various computer machine code.
ENTERING DEBUG Debug has been included in every version of MS-DOS as well as Windows. When running any of the debug routines it is recommended that if you have Windows that you exit or shut down to get into a real DOS prompt.
Once at the DOS prompt type debug and press enter. This should get you to a - (small dash). This is the debug prompt.
To exit out of debug type q and press enter. This will return you back to the MS-DOS prompt.
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