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The most notable feature is the emergency recovery floppy. This is a boot floppy created by Backup Exec that is to be used to restore the Windows 95 or Windows 98 system and other software without the need to reinstall from scratch.
The restore process can be rather lengthy because the catalogs are not saved on the floppy. Instead they are rebuilt from tape. The user can restore any backup sets found on the tape. The advantage to this is that files that would normally be locked by Windows 95 while it is running, can now be easily replaced by updated versions found in later backup sets.
This method of restore is not really recommended for users when major problems occur. It is very easy to bring the system back in a state just before the problems struck, causing a lot of grief when they show up again. In this case the recommendation is to reformat the hard disk, reinstalling the Windows 95 or Windows 98 system from scratch and then reinstalling the software from the original floppies or CDs. The tape backup can be used to restore the data files.
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