GOOD2USE Knowledge Network PC Connecting a LAN: Name your PC and create a workgroup:
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In Windows XP
Click the Start button (bottom left hand corner) and select the Control Panel.
If not already in the "Classic view", select the Classic view option (upper left corner of the window - you can switch between the classic view and the category view).
Click on the "System" icon.
Select the "Computer Name" tab.
You will see that the computer has a "Full Computer Name" and a "Workgroup".
Click the "Change" button to change them.
In the first box, enter the name you wish to give the computer. You can name it anything, but each computer in your home must have a its own unique name.
In the second box, enter the name you plan to use for the workgroup -- make sure all of the computers have the same workgroup name. You may want to write it down to make sure that you enter the exact same workgroup name on each computer in your network.