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GOOD2USE Knowledge Network DSL Avaiability

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Check that your local UK telephone exchange can provide ADSL services. There are a number of web-sites that will determine if broadband is available from the exchange your telephone is connected to..
One of the best UK ones is>KW=broadband%20availability

Check that your UK phone line is close enough to the exchange to allow it to use ADSL. To do this,

  1. dial 17070, then
  2. select option 3, option 1 and option 2.
The answer will tell you how far you are from the exchange. If you are more than about 3.5-km, ADSL will probably not be able to work properly.

BT will carry out a definitive ADSL test on the line before and after installing it. This is called the 'whoosh test' and is carried out through 'BTIgnite', which is the part of BT that installs the hardware in the phone exchanges. It is separate from BT Openworld.
The line distance measurement can only be used as a guide to whether the service can be used or not.

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