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GOOD2USE Knowledge Network Monitoring Modem Activity in Windows 98

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You need to make a modemlog.txt.

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Modems
  3. Highlight your Modem and click properties
  4. Connection Tab
  5. Advanced button
  6. It should say "Advanced Connection Setting", there put a check in the box that says "Record a log file".
  7. OK your way out.
  8. Reboot. Now you will be creating a "Modemlog.txt" that will appear in windows until you uncheck the box.

MODEMLOG.TXT will let you see what AT commands were sent to the modem and what responses it gave back.
There is a MODEMDET.LOG that will show you the results from the modem detection process and there is the Diagnostics tab in Control Panel Modems.

You can use the Ppplog.txt file to troubleshoot problems using the PPP line protocol with the Microsoft dial-up adapter. The file contains a detailed listing of the steps that occur during a remote access connection using PPP.
To create a Ppplog.txt file, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.
  2. Click Dial-Up Adapter, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. In the Property box, click Record A Log File.
  5. In the Value box, click Yes.
  6. Click OK until you return to Control Panel.
The next time you attempt a PPP connection, the Ppplog.txt file is created. The file is located in the Windows folder and can be edited using any text editor or word processor. If the file already exists, new information is appended to it.

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