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Business Knowledge Base - CIO Project Checklist

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The BASICs of project management that CIOs need to gather and implement are as follows:

Use this checklist tool to make sure you're hitting all the BASICs when preparing for IT projects.

To help with this process there are two documents that allow for the documenting of this process. One is in Microsoft Word and the other in Lotus Amipro.

Business Case
  1. What is the business problem to be solved?
  2. What is the value of solving the problem?
  3. What is the cost of not solving the problem?
  4. What is the proposed solution?
  5. What are the major deliverables?
  6. What is the estimated cost?
  7. What is the estimated duration?
  8. Who is the customer implementing the solution?
  9. What are the customer's responsibilities?
  10. Who is providing funding for the solution development (sponsor)?
  11. What are the sponsor's responsibilities?
Assigned Responsibility
  1. Who is the project manager?
  2. Who is responsible for achieving the business benefits?
  3. Are the business benefits documented in written objectives for the business unit leader?
Success Metrics

For these metrics the defining attributes are,

  1. What is the current value? and
  2. What will be the projected value?

Impact on other Projects


  1. the affected projects and what the dependencies are
  2. the resource impact
  3. what thw impact will be on the affected project's schedule
  4. cost Impact
  5. business impact


First of all determine the stakeholders, that is

Then consider

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