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PC Knowledge Base - Customer Relationship Management Myth 4: Customers do not want to be telephoned at home - always.

Good Knowledge Is Good2Use

It's unwise to project your own personal prejudices, likes, and dislikes onto your customers. Beyond the obvious issue of the statistical validity of a sample size of a half-dozen acquaintances, the fact is that what one customer hates, another may actually like?

Customers can methodically be led to develop a vision of how they might receive ideal value during an interaction.
In fact, customers in visioning workshops for many different industries have stated that the primary problem with being contacted at home is that it is almost always by a blanket marketing program and not targeted to their specific interests. Customers hate to be contacted when the call has nothing uniquely to do with them, but is merely part of a mass-marketing campaign:
'Don't call me about your great special on boat insurance if I don't own a boat!'

However, if a customer owns a particular investment product and something happens that could impact them personally? Perhaps new legislation that could have tax implications. They would actually appreciate receiving a targeted, personalised, individual-specific contact.

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